1958年。ミネアポリス市銀行は、ハンガリー王子の高価なダイヤモンドを預かることになった。脱した囚人のMitch は、そのダイヤを手に入れるために
相棒の Cooper、結婚詐欺師のCaprice、そして町のスリの Samを巻き込み盗み出そうとする。
一方ミネアポリス市銀行では、所長の Freeboys が安全にダイヤを守るためにあくせく準備をしていた。
Quoted from broucher of the day.
"YONTORE" Design & Logo
Message from Stage Manager
今年度ひとつだProduction Stage Managerを務めさせていただいています、正岡試悠と申します。
四大での1年間がこの先みんなの心に刻まれる1年間になることをポリシーとして団体を率いて参りました。今日この日に皆さんにお見せする「The Comedy About a Bank Robbery」という劇で大爆笑を誘い、俺が私がこの笑いをとれたんだと全プロダクション員が誇らしく感じるような作品をつくってまいりました。
Message from Director
我々ひとつだプロダクションは「The comedy about a bank robbery」という作品を上演いたします。
Judge's Comment
●About English●
・In the Hitotsuda production, Ruth used the rhythm and *** and they were excellent and very *** appropriate for the piece. And Caprice, her speech was incredibly natural and full of meaning. So, we had lots of really good English today.
●About Stage Effect●
・And finally, of course, “The comedy about a Bank Robbery”of Hitotsuda, very complicated sets, but very simple looking,I don't know if that makes sense. We know that the sets were very complicated, but you made it look so simply,and that is a huge plot, the audience shouldn't notice those things. It didn't steal from the story,it just helped tell the story, and that's what the audience wants, they want a story, they want to be involved in what you are producing on stage. And we also loved the costumes, the hair,the makeup, the stylized, era, period, piece that was fun, and ofcourse, the transitions that happened, involved a lot of people, the lighting had to get involved, you had people going across the stage, and they were very smooth and entertaining force, so a joy to watch, a joy to watch. Hitotsuda, thank you.
●About Direction●
・And then finally we come to the crazy mayhem of Hitotsuda, what a wonderful script. You chose to perform this crazy mad cop mayhem *** on the stage, and it was exciting and fun from beginning to end. Plus, your set was fantastic as well, what can I say? it was amazing, so well done, you, fantastic. I'm really quiet 1:07 and that was really difficult.
●About General●
・And for the crazy, “The Comedy of a Bank Robbery”, it's a force and force is so hard to do and you handled it, direction and acting, as an ensemble with total commitment and we loved all of the comedies, so thank you very much.